- rotational flow
- вихревое течение; вращающийся поток
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
rotational flow — sūkurinis tekėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rotational flow; vortex flow; vortical flow vok. Drehströmung, f; Rotationsströmung, f; Wirbelströmung, f rus. вихревое течение, n; завихренное течение, n pranc. écoulement… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
rotational fluid — a rotational fluid flow can contain streamlines that loop back on themselves. Hence, fluid particles following such streamlines will travel along closed paths. Bounded (and hence nonuniform) viscous fluids exhibit rotational flow, typically… … Mechanics glossary
Rotational diffusion — is a process by which the equilibrium statistical distribution of the overall orientation of particles or molecules is maintained or restored. Rotational diffusion is the counterpart of translational diffusion, which maintains or restores the… … Wikipedia
Flow birefringence — In biochemistry, flow birefringence is a hydrodynamic technique for measuring the rotational diffusion constants (or, equivalently, the rotational drag coefficients). The birefringence of a solution sandwiched between two concentric cylinders is… … Wikipedia
vortex flow — sūkurinis tekėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rotational flow; vortex flow; vortical flow vok. Drehströmung, f; Rotationsströmung, f; Wirbelströmung, f rus. вихревое течение, n; завихренное течение, n pranc. écoulement… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
vortical flow — sūkurinis tekėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rotational flow; vortex flow; vortical flow vok. Drehströmung, f; Rotationsströmung, f; Wirbelströmung, f rus. вихревое течение, n; завихренное течение, n pranc. écoulement… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Incompressible flow — In fluid mechanics or more generally continuum mechanics, an incompressible flow is solid or fluid flow in which the divergence of velocity is zero. This is more precisely termed isochoric flow. It is an idealization used to simplify analysis. In … Wikipedia
Signal-flow graph — A signal flow graph (SFG) is a special type of block diagram[1] and directed graph consisting of nodes and branches. Its nodes are the variables of a set of linear algebraic relations. An SFG can only represent multiplications and additions.… … Wikipedia
irrotation flow — Potential flow or flow with no rotational component [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Cyclonic separation — A simple cyclone separator Cyclonic separation is a method of removing particulates from an air, gas or liquid stream, without the use of filters, through vortex separation. Rotational effects and gravity are used to separate mixtures of solids… … Wikipedia
Magnetosphere of Jupiter — Discovery[1] Discovered by … Wikipedia